
Author: Angel’s Kuuipo

Rating: PG

Pairing: Spike/Willow

Disclaimer: Not mine, never have been, never will be…damnit.


Spike knew it was wrong.  Knew it with every fiber of his being, she was too good for him.  Hopefully he wouldn’t be laughed at.  He shouldn’t even care.  He was the Big Bad for hell’s sake.  He was also love’s bitch.

Placing the flowers and poem he’d written on the doorstep, Spike rang the bell then ran to hide in the bushes, wanting to see her reaction.  His red-haired goddess opened the door, scanning to see who was there.  When she looked down, a delighted, but bemused smile lit her face and she bent to scoop up his offerings.  He watched her read his words then look around one more time.

Leaving the door open, Willow walked back into her house with a, “Come in, Spike” tossed over her shoulder.

Spike knew it was wrong.  He just didn’t care.

The End
